Mały przewodnik po potrawach, które w Korei mogą Was najbardziej zaskoczyć, a które dla Koreańczyków są jak najbardziej normalne. Ba, aż im ślinka cieknie, jak tylko zobaczą zdjęcie jakiejkolwiek z nich!
A small culinary guide that will let you know which Korean dishes may be the most surprising for you and are totally normal for Koreans. Well, to be precise - their mouth gets watery anytime they see a picture of any of those!
A small culinary guide that will let you know which Korean dishes may be the most surprising for you and are totally normal for Koreans. Well, to be precise - their mouth gets watery anytime they see a picture of any of those!
Sfermentowana Płaszczka - Fermented Stingray – Hongeo (홍어 czyt. "hongo")
source: @ variationblogr's